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The NEET 2024 syllabus is available on the NTA official website. Three subjects are included in the NEET 2024 syllabus: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. NTA has notified that there will be no reductions in the NEET syllabus compared to the previous year’s syllabus, except few changes in the list of topics. The NEET 2024 syllabus covers both basic and advanced courses in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from Classes 11 and 12. At CDP360, our subject-matter experts have separated the NEET 2024 syllabus subject-wise to make it easy for all Aspirants to understand. CDP360 provides a detailed description of the NEET 2024 Syllabus through CDP360’s website.

The NTA has released the NEET-UG syllabus for 2024 with some new updates. The syllabus has been reduced from 97 chapters to 79, with several topics being removed and modified. Check the reduced syllabus of NEET 2024 below.

The following are some of the removed chapters in the revised NEET syllabus 2024:
1. Digestion and Absorption

This chapter covered the process of digestion and absorption of food in humans. It included topics such as the anatomy of the digestive system, the role of enzymes and hormones in digestion, and the absorption of nutrients.

2. Reproduction in Organisms (Asexual Reproduction)

This chapter covered the different types of asexual reproduction, such as binary fission, budding, and sporulation. It also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction.

3. Environmental Issues

This chapter covered a variety of environmental issues, such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change. It discussed the causes and effects of these issues, as well as potential solutions.
There were no significant changes to the Physics and Chemistry syllabus for 2024.

Updated NEET 2024 Syllabus – Subject wise

The NTA published the revised NEET 2024 syllabus in November after it was modified. The National Medical Commission's (NMC) and NTA NEET curricula are similar.
The National Medical Commission released the Updated new syllabus after a plea filed in the Delhi High Court, making ensure that everyone knows about the changes in the NEET 2024 syllabus. The list of all the units where new topics have been added and old topics have been removed is provided below.

NEET 2024 Syllabus for Zoology (Revised)

The NEET 2024 Zoology syllabus has been updated, introducing new topics and potentially removing old ones. Students must be informed about these changes to prepare effectively for the main exam, ensuring better chances of success.
Students must be aware of these changes. Students can better plan their study for success in the exam and grasp what's new or modified in the Botany syllabus for NEET 2024 by reviewing the official notification provided below.

Updated NEET Zoology Syllabus
Class 11
Units NCERT Chapter Dropped Zoology Topics/Chapters Added Zoology Topics/Chapters
Unit 2: Structural Organization in Plants and Animals Chapter 7: Structural Organisation in Animals Earthworm, Morphology, Anatomy, Cockroach, Morphology, Anatomy of an insect Frog (brief account)
Unit 5: Human Physiology Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption Full Chapter Deleted -
Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination Reflex Action and Reflex Arc, Sensory Reception and Processing, Eye, Parts of an Eye, Mechanism of Vision, The Ear, Mechanism of Hearing -
Class 12
Unit 8: Biology and Human Welfare Chapter 8: Human Health and Diseases - Dengue, Chikungunya Tobacco Abuse

NEET 2024 Syllabus for Botany (Revised)

The NEET 2024 Botany syllabus has been updated, introducing new topics and potentially removing old ones. Students must be informed about these changes to prepare effectively for the main exam, ensuring better chances of success.
Students must be aware of these changes. Students can better plan their study for success in the exam and grasp what's new or modified in the Botany syllabus for NEET 2024 by reviewing the official notification provided below.

NEET Updated Botany Syllabus
Class 11
Units NCERT Chapter Dropped Botany Topics/Chapters Added Botany Topics/Chapters
Unit 1: Diversity of Living Organisms Chapter 1: The Living World Three domains of life, Taxonomical Aids, Botanical Gardens, Museum, Zoological Parks, Keys, Monograph, Flora, Catalogues What is ‘Living’?
Chapter 2: Biological Classifications Three Domains of Life -
Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom Angiosperms, Plant Life Cycles and Alternation of Generations, -
Unit 2: Structural Organization in Plants and Animals Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae Family Malvaceae, Cruciferae, Leguminoceae, Compositae, Graminae
Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants Secondary growth
Unit 4: Plant Physiology Chapter 11: Transport in Plants Full Chapter Deleted -
Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition Full Chapter Deleted -
Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development Photoperiodism, Vernalisation, Seed Dormancy -
Class 12
Unit 6: Reproduction Chapter: Reproduction in Organisms Full Chapter Deleted -
Unit 8: Biology and Human Welfare Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Full Chapter Deleted -
Unit 10: Ecology and Environment Chapter 14: Ecosystem Ecological Succession, Succession of Plants, Nutrient Cycling, Ecosystem – Carbon cycle, Ecosystem- Phosphorus Cycle, Ecosystem Services -
Chapter 16: Environmental Issues Full Chapter Deleted -

NEET 2024 Updated Syllabus For Physics

The NMC has released the 2024 NEET Physics syllabus, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the subject for successful NEET UG 2024 exam preparation.

Updated NEET Physics Syllabus
Class 11
Units Class-11 NCERT Chapter Dropped Physics Topics/Chapters Added Physics Topics/Chapters
Unit 1: Physics and Measurement Chapter 1: Physical World Full Chapter Deleted -
Chapter 2: Units and Measurement Length, Mass, and Time Measurements, Accuracy and Precision of Measuring Instruments. Least Count
Unit 2: Kinematics Chapter 3: Motion in Straight Line Graphical Treatment of Uniformly Accelerated Motion Elementary Concepts of Differentiation and Integration for Describing Motion -
Chapter 4: Motion in Plane Position and Displacement Vectors, General Vectors, General Vectors and Notation, Equality of Vectors, Multiplication of Vectors by a Real Number -
Unit 3: Laws of Motion Chapter 5: Laws of Motion Lubrication -
Unit 5: Rotational motion Chapter 7: System of Particle and Rotational Motion Momentum Conservation, and Centre of Mass Motion, Centre of Mass of Uniform Rod. Basic Concept of Rotational Motion
Unit 6: Gravitation Chapter 8: Gravitation Geostationary Satellites. Motion of a Satellite, Time Period and Energy of a Satellite
Unit 7: Properties of solids and liquids Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids Poisson’s Ratio, Elastic Energy -
Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids Reynold’s Number Pressure Due to Fluid Column, Pascals Law and Its Application. Effect of Gravity on Fluid Pressure
Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter Anomalous Expansion, Thermal conductivity, Green House Effect. Newton’s Law of Cooling and Stefan’s Law -
Unit 8: Thermodynamics Chapter 12: Thermodynamics Heat Engines and Refrigerators -
Unit 9: Kinetic theory of gases Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory of Gases - RMS Speed of Gas Molecules, Avogadro’s Number
Unit 10: Oscillations and waves Chapter 14: Oscillations Free, Forced and Damped Oscillations (Qualitative Ideas Only), Resonance -
Chapter 15: Waves Doppler Effect. -
Class 12
Units Class-12 NCERT Chapter Dropped Physics Topics/Chapters Added Physics Topics/Chapters
Unit 11: Electrostatics Chapter 02: Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Free charges and bound charges inside a conductor, Van de Graaff generator. -
Unit 12: Current Electricity Chapter 03: Current Electricity Carbon resistors, colour code for carbon resistors Potentiometer-principle and applications to measure potential difference and for comparing emf of two cells measurement of internal resistance of a cell. -
Unit 13: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Chapter 04: Moving charges and Magnetism Concept of magnetic field, Oersted’s experiment, toroidal, Cyclotron.
Chapter 05: Magnetism and Matter Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron Earth’s magnetic field and its elements Electromagnetic and factors affecting their strengths Permanent magnets. -
Unit 14: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current Chapter 07: Alternating Current LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only)
Unit 16: Optics Chapter 09: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Scattering of light-blue colour of the sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset, Human eye, image formation, and accommodation, correction of eye defects (myopia and hypermetropia) using lenses. -
Chapter 10: Wave Optics Proof of laws of reflection and refraction using Huygens’ principle., Resolving power of microscopes and astronomical telescopes. -
Unit 17: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Chapter 11: Dual nature of radiation and Matter Davisson-Germer experiment (experimental details should be omitted; only the conclusion should be explained). -
Unit 18: Atoms and Nuclei Chapter 13: Nuclei Isotopes, isobars; isotones, Radioactivity – alpha, beta, and gamma particles, rays, and their properties decay law -
Unit 19: Electronic Devices Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics Energy bands, Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of a transistor, transistor as an amplifier (common emitter configuration), and oscillator. transistor as a switch -

NEET 2024 Updated Syllabus For Chemistry

The NEET Chemistry Syllabus for 2024 has been updated to better suit the needs of the NEET 2024 exam, focusing on essential chapters like Coordination Compounds, Chemical Thermodynamics, and Equilibrium, and experts recommend reviewing the Physics and Biology syllabus for comprehensive preparation.
Now after this modification, it is crucial for aspiring candidates to check the changes in the NEET UG syllabus for 2024 and align their preparation accordingly.
Experts advise students to study the Physics and Biology syllabus in addition to the Chemistry section for a comprehensive grasp, even with the revisions in that area. This aids in efficiently organizing and getting ready for the NEET exam.

Updated NEET Chemistry Syllabus
Class 11
Class-11 NCERT Chapter Dropped Chemistry Topics/Chapters Added Chemistry Topics/Chapters
Structure of Atom - Elementary Ideas of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom, Its Important Features. Concept of Atomic Orbitals as One-Electron Wave Functions: Variation of Y and Y2 with r for ls and 2s Orbitals
States Of Matter Full Chapter Deleted -
Thermodynamics Third Law of Thermodynamics Enthalpy of Dilution -
Hydrogen Full Chapter Deleted -
The s-Block Elements Full Chapter Deleted -
The p-Block Elements Method of Preparation and Uses -
Environmental Chemistry Full Chapter Deleted -
Class 12
Class-12 NCERT Chapter Dropped Chemistry Topics/Chapters Added Chemistry Topics/Chapters
The Solid State Full Chapter Deleted -
Electrochemistry Corrosion -
Surface Chemistry Full Chapter Deleted -
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Full Chapter Deleted -
The d-and f-Block Elements Chemical Reactivity of Lanthanoids -
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Environmental effects of dichloromethane, tetrachloromethane -
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Ether: Preparation Physical and Chemical Properties -
Amines Cyanides Isocyanides and Diazonium Salt: Preparation and Physical and Chemical Properties -
Biomolecules Polysaccharides (Starch Cellulose, Glycogen) Biological Functions of Nucleic Acids
Polymers Full Chapter Deleted -
Chemistry in Everyday Life Full Chapter Deleted -

NEET Updated Syllabus 2024 for Biology

In NEET 2024, Biology includes Botany and Zoology, consists of 50 questions (45 to be solved) for 180 marks each. There are 100 questions throughout the entire biology subject, and you may get up to 360 marks.
The key subjects to learn are listed in the NTA NEET Biology syllabus. Digestion and absorption are among the subjects that are no longer covered in the updated NEET 2024 syllabus. Below is a list of these NEET Biology topics that have been removed.

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise for Biology

The NEET 2024 Biology syllabus is a class-wise structured curriculum, covering key biology topics from various classes, providing a comprehensive foundation for exam success in the NEET 2024 exam.

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise Biology
Class 11th Class 12th
Diversity in Living World Reproduction
Movement Neural control and coordination and Locomotion Human Welfare and Biology
Structural Organization in Animals and Plant Genetics and Evolution
Animal Kingdom Fluids, body, and Circulation
Plant Physiology Biotechnology and its Applications
Human Physiology Environment and Ecology
Digestion and Absorption Biotechnology Principles
Structural organization of animals Reproductive Health
Excretory products and their elimination Evolution
Exchange of Gases Diseases and Human Health

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise for Physics

The Physics syllabus for NEET 2024 is designed to cater to the study plans of medical students, providing a targeted approach for effective examination preparation, helping candidates concentrate on relevant physics concepts and excel in the NEET examination.

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise For Physics
Class 11th Class 12th
Physical World and Measurement Nature of Physical Law
Heat, Work and Internal Energy Conductors
Work, Power, and Energy Current Electricity
Kinematics Electric Charges and their Conservation Electric Dipole
Properties of Bulk Matter Bulk modulus Electromagnetic Spectrum and Electromagnetics Waves
Gravitation Kepler’s law of Planetary Motion The Universal Law of Gravitation Alternating Currents and Electromagnetic Induction.
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Permanent Magnets
Magnetic effects of current and Magnetism
AC Generator and Transformer
Concept of Magnetic Field
Static and Kinetic Friction Carbon Resistors Kirchhoff’s Laws and Simple Applications
Laws of Motion Atoms and Nuclei
Critical Velocity Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Speed Velocity Electronic Devices
Oscillation and Waves Optics Optical Instruments Wave Optics

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise for Chemistry

The NEET 2024 Chemistry syllabus is organized classwise to provide a structured approach to key concepts, preparing students for the exam. This structured approach helps candidates in understanding and mastering key chemistry topics for success in the NEET 2024 exam.

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise For Chemistry
Class 11th Class 12th
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solid state
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Electrochemistry
Structure of Atom Solutions
Molecular Structure and Chemical Bonding Chemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Liquids and Gasses Surface Chemistry
Thermodynamics General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Ionic bond Covalent bond p-Block Elements
Redox Reactions D and f Block Elements
Hydrogen Coordination Compounds
Laws of Chemical Combination Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Chemical and Physical property of primary alcohol Phenols, Alcohols, and Ethers
Some p-Block Elements Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Equilibrium Equilibrium in Physical and Chemical Process Organic Compounds Containing: Nitrogen, Amines, and Cyanides and Isocyanides
Hydrocarbons Biomolecules or Organic Compounds contains Nitrogen
Environmental Chemistry Biomolecules, Polymers And Chemistry in Everyday Life Aldehydes, Carboxylic Acids, and Ketones
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques Chemistry in Everyday Life
Electronegativity Band theory of metals
Atomic number Elevation of boiling point
Isobars and Isotopes Cleansing agents such as soaps and detergents

NEET Syllabus 2024-25 Important Topics To Cover

The NEET 2024 examination requires all major subjects, including Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. However, after analyzing the NEET 2023 examination paper, with introductory chapters asked frequently and particularly important for preparation.

NEET Syllabus Important Topics
Physics Chemistry Biology
Optics Electrochemistry Human Physiology
Work, Energy, and Power Chemical Kinetics Plant Physiology
Modern Physics Equilibrium Ecology
Rotational Motion Hydrocarbons Genetics
Heat and Thermodynamics S, P, D, and F-Block Elements Evolution
Laws of Motion Molecular Structure and Chemical bonding Cell Structure and their function
Magnetism and Current Electricity Atomic Structures Biotechnology
Kinematics Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids -
Electrostatics and Semiconductors Coordination Compounds -

Since the chapters can be lengthy, here is a compiled list of the topics students need to focus on more while making notes and studying for the NEET 2024.

NEET Syllabus Important Topics
Chemistry Physics Biology
Electron Configuration Ohm’s Law Plants
Hybridization Speed Biodiversity
Charles S Law Mirrors Photosynthesis
Aufbau Principle Electromagnetic waves and Electromagnetic induction Human Heart
Mole Concept Types of Lens and Reflection of Light Respiration and Alimentary Canal
Atomic numbers along with symbols and 118 Elements Angular Momentum Human Digestive System
Periodic Classification of Elements Poisson’s Ratio Cell Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell
Hund’s Rule Units of Force and Conversion of Units Algae
Oxidation and Reduction Velocity and Waves Taxonomy

NCERT books are recommended for exam preparation, but students can also consult additional books for better understanding of complex concepts.

NEET Syllabus 2024 Chapter Wise Weightage For Physics

The NEET syllabus 2024 Physics chapter-wise weightage provides insight into topic-wise weightage and number of questions, a crucial tool for NEET exam preparation.

NEET 2024 Physics Chapter Wise Weightage
Unit and Topic Number of Questions Weightage of Questions
Alternating Current – Average, peak and rms values 3 6%
Capacitance – Definition of capacitance 1 2%
Current Electricity – DefinItion of Current, Current Densities, Drift 5 10%
Electro Magnetic Field – Magnet and Magnetic field due to a moving charge 3 6%
Electro Magnetic Induction – Flux and Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction 1 2%
Electrostatics – Properties of charge and Coulomb’s Law 3 6%
Friction – Kinetic friction 1 2%
Gravitation – Universal law of gravitation 2 4%
Modern Physics – Photoelectric Effect 5 10%
Rigid Body Dynamics – Kinematics 5 10%
Surface Tension – Surface tension, Surface energy and capillary rise 1 2%
Wave Optics – Principle of superposition, path difference, Wavefronts, and coherence 1 2%
Projectile Motion – Definition, Projectile on a horizontal plane 1 2%
Newton’s Law of Motion – Type of forces, newton’s third law, free body diagram 1 2%
KTG and Thermodynamics – Kinetic Theory of gases 2 4%
Solid and Semiconductor – Semiconductor, Energy Band 3 6%
Measurement Error 2 4%
Sound Wave – Equation of sound wave, wavelength, frequency, pressure and displacement amplitude 1 2%
Geometric Optics – Plane Mirror 3 6%
Electromagnetic Waves 2 4%
Rectilinear Motion – Distance and Displacement 2 4%
Fluid Mechanics – Measurement and calculation of pressure 1 2%
Work, Power, Energy – Work Done By Constant Force 2 4%
Elasticity and Viscosity – Elastic behaviour longitudinal stress, young modulus 2 4%
Simple Harmonic Motion – Equation of SHM 1 2%

NEET Biology Chapter Wise Weightage 2024

Botany Weightage

This guide provides an in-depth understanding of the chapter-wise weightage for Botany in the NEET Biology syllabus for 2024, enabling effective preparation for the upcoming exam.

Zoology Weightage

Explore the NEET Biology syllabus 2024 for Zoology, highlighting chapter-wise weightage for each chapter's significance for targeted preparation for the NEET exam.

NEET 2024 Biology Chapter Wise Weightage
Unit and Topic Number of Questions Weightage of Questions
Botany 50 100%
Cell Biology – Introduction, Prokaryotic Cell 5 10%
Ecology-Biodiversity and Conservation – Introduction, Level of biodiversity, Pattern of biodiversity, Loss of biodiversity 2 4%
Plant Kingdom-Algae 2 4%
Genetics I – Introduction, Mendelism, Monohybrid Cross, Dihybrid Cross, Back Cross, Test Cross, Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Multiple Alleflism, Pleiotropy 3 6%
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants – Sexual Reproduction Introduction 4 8%
Ecology-Ecosystem – Introduction, Biotic components of ecosystem 2 4%
Anatomy of Flowering Plants – Plant Tissues, Tissue System 3 6%
Application Biology (Biotechnology) – Principles of Biotechnology 4 8%
Morphology of Flowering Plants – Root 3 6%
Plant Physiology-II-Plant growth and Growth Hormones – Growth and Development 3 6%
Plant Physiology-II-Photosynthesis In Higher Plants – Introduction (Early experiments), site of photosynthesis and photosynthetic pigments 4 8%
Ecology-Environmental Issues – Types of pollutants, Types of pollution-Air pollution, Noise pollution, Acid rain, Ozone depletion, Water pollution 1 2%
Genetics II – Nucleic Acids (The Generic Material, DNA, RNA) 4 8%
Plant Physiology-I-Mineral Nutrition – Methods to study mineral requirements of plants, Essential mineral elements, Role of macro and micronutrients, deficiency symptoms of essential elements, Toxicity of micronutrients 2 4%
Plant Physiology-I-Transport in plants – Diffusion, Facilitated diffusion, osmosis, Active transport, DPD, Water potential plasmolysis, imbibition 3 6%
Biomolecule – I – Carbohydrates 1 2%
Ecology-Organisms and Population – Introduction, Abiotic factors, Responses to abiotic factors 2 4%
Plant Physiology-II-Respiration in plants – Introduction, Glycolysis and Fermentation 1 2%
Biomolecule-II – Nucleic Acids 1 2%
Zoology 50 100%
Cell Biology – Introduction, Prokaryotic Cell 4 8%
Genetics I – Introduction, Mendelism, Monohybrid Cross, Dihybrid Cross, Back Cross, Test Cross, Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Multiple Alleflism, Pleiotropy 2 4%
Application Biology – Principles of Biotechnology 2 4%
Ecology-Environmental Issues – Types of pollutants, Types of pollution-Air pollution, Noise pollution, Acid rain, Ozone depletion, Water pollution 1 2%
Genetic II – Nucleic Acids (The Generic Material, DNA, RNA) 3 6%
Ecology-Organisms and Population – Introduction, Abiotic factors, Responses to abiotic factors 2 4%
Biomolecule-II – Nucleic Acids 1 2%
Body fluids and circulation – heart and conduction 3 6%
Animal Kingdom-1 – Porifera 4 8%
Human Reproduction and Reproductive Health – Male Reproductive System 6 12%
Excretory Products and Their Elimination – Homeostasis and Osmoregulation 1 2%
Neural Control and Coordination – Nervous Tissue 2 4%
Digestion and Absorption – Nutrition 2 4%
Structural organisation in animals – Connective tissue 1 2%
Locomotion and Movement – Muscles 2 4%
Biology In Human Welfare-Human Health and Disease – Diseases caused by virus 3 6%
Breathing and Exchange of Gases – Respiratory Organ 1 2%
Origin and Evolution – Origin of Life 2 4%
Chemical Coordination and Integration -Endocrine Gland 3 6%
Biology In Human Welfare – Microbes in Human Welfare 1 2%
Structural Organisation in Animal – Epithelial tissue 1 2%
Animal Kingdom-2 – Chordata 2 4%
Biology In Human Welfare-Strategies for Enhancement of Food Production in Animal – 1 2%

Inorganic Chemistry Chapter wise Weightage for NEET 2024

Inorganic Chemistry Chapter Wise Weightage for NEET 2024. This is providing a systematic approach for candidates to prepare and manage their time effectively for the exam.

Inorganic Chemistry Chapter wise Weightage for NEET 2024
Chemistry Chapters and Topics Average No. of Questions Chemistry NEET Chapter wise Weightage and Topic (In percentage)
Inorganic Chemistry-I 22%
Chemical Bonding 4 9%
p-block 3 7%
Periodic Table and Periodicity in Properties 2 4%
Hydrogen 1 2%
s-block 1 3%
Inorganic Chemistry-II 12%
Coordination Compounds 3 6%
d-block and f-block Elements 2 4%
Metallurgy 1 2%
Qualitative Analysis 1 2%

Physical Chemistry Chapter Wise Weightage for NEET 2024

The Physical Chemistry syllabus for NEET 2024 is ranked chapter-wise, aiding candidates in prioritizing topics, optimizing preparation, and ensuring a strategic approach to the exam.

Physical Chemistry Chapter wise Weightage for NEET 2024
Chemistry Chapters and Topics Average No. of Questions Chemistry NEET Chapter wise Weightage and Topic (In percentage)
Physical Chemistry-I 17%
Atomic Structure and Nuclear Chemistry 1 3%
Chemical Equilibrium 1 3%
Ionic Equilibrium 2 4%
Redox Reactions 1 2%
Gaseous State 1 3%
Mole Concept 2 5%
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry 1 3%
Physical Chemistry-II 15%
Chemical Kinetics 2 4%
Electrochemistry 1 3%
Solid State 1 3%
Solution and Colligative Properties 2 4%
Surface Chemistry 1 2%

Organic Chemistry Chapter wise Weightage for NEET 2024

Designed for NEET 2024, the Organic Chemistry syllabus features chapter-wise weightage, allowing candidates to concentrate on vital organic chemistry concepts. This strategic breakdown help in planning study schedules, enhancing preparation, and boosting performance in the organic chemistry section of the NEET exam.

Organic Chemistry Chapter wise Weightage for NEET 2024
Chemistry Chapters and Topics Average No. of Questions Chemistry NEET Chapter wise Weightage and Topic (In percentage)
Organic Chemistry-I 8%
Hydrocarbons 2 4%
General Organic Chemistry 2 5%
Organic Chemistry-II 26%
Haloalkane 1 2%
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 2 3%
Polymer 1 2%
Alkyl Halide, Alcohol and Ether 2 4%
Aromatic Compounds 3 6%
Biomolecules 2 4%
Carbonyl Compounds 2 4%
Organic Compounds containing nitrogen 2 3%
Chemistry in Everyday Life 2 3%
Environmental chemistry 1 2%
IUPAC and Isomerism 2 4%
Practical Organic Chemistry 1 2%

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, CDP360’s NEET coaching centre offers online coaching for School Students.This is the Best Online NEET Coaching Academy in Chennai and providing the Best Coaching for Students.

The fee structure for CDP360 NEET coaching classes in Chennai varies depending on the course and the batch you are enrolled in.

The eligibility criteria of NEET 2024 are the conditions and guidelines pertaining to the qualifying exam, pass percentage required for the NEET exam, nationality, age limit, number of attempts, and such.
Class 12 marks do not matter for NEET 2024 in the sense that they will not be directly used to calculate your NEET score. However, they are important in that they determine your eligibility to appear for the exam.So, while your class 12 marks will not directly affect your NEET score.
In Amendments in 2018 for UG-NEET 2024 eligibility criteria, the limitations in the Number of attempts for NEET were removed. There is no limit on the number of times you can attempt NEET. You can appear for the exam as many times as you want, provided you meet the eligibility criteria.
CDP360’s NEET coaching centre offers a range of facilities, such as experienced faculty, Premium study material, regular assessments, doubt-clearing sessions, and online SMEs support to help students prepare for the NEET exam.